March 12, 2012

4 Weeks!

Tomorrow, Katherine celebrates 4 weeks of life!  I gave an update a little while back about how things were  going.  All told, life continues to become more manageable with each passing day.  I do still wonder how it is that the time goes by so quickly between feedings.  Seriously.  But I'm guessing it has something to do with having other children and a household to manage.  C'est la vie.  (And if I'm honest, I do really love my vie and wouldn't trade it for anything else.)

Having provided that brief introduction, I will now assault you with photos!

Brian took this one for us.

Still LOVING his baby sister; she's very lucky.

A week ago we had a little snow.

 The Trio!

Thanks for the hat, Jan!

Snuggle time!


Yeah, he loves her.

Getting acquainted with a pillow pet.

Little by little we're getting back into normal activities;
I'm even thinking school will resume next week!

Yesterday the weather was gorgeous, so we hit the park for a little while.
Elizabeth moved to fast to get any photos of her.

1 comment:

  1. I love your pictures! Katherine looks like her
    hair is even growing longer. How cute! Chubby bunnies in the one pic! Thanks for posting all those pictures. i love them all.. and you!
