April 14, 2012

Day 14: Interrupted by 600 (and a giveaway!)

I'm writing daily this month on being interrupted by grace.  Learn more and join in here.

This is my 600th blost.*

Sure seems like a good excuse to have a giveaway, doesn't it?  Especially since noticing that fact is how God has interrupted me with grace today.  Six-hundred posts since the beginning of 2009.  Dude.

What impresses me most is not the number, but the way keeping this blog has changed me.  It's enabled me to grow as a writer, sure, but more importantly, as a person.

I started the blog to keep friends and family up on our lives in Cambridge, MA, when we were living away from most of them.  Quickly it became more than a family blog.  I'm a verbal processor; on the blog I was able to write out my thoughts and get them straight in my head.  I love to share things I've found helpful; on the blog I could recommend whatever I wanted in a general way that allowed people to take or leave it.  I'm a teacher; on the blog I could instruct and encourage out of what was going on in my life or what I was reading.  To name a few.

Moving back to Pittsburgh caused me to consider the future of Life in the Valley.  I intentionally shifted more into writing with purpose, as I started considering a future (someday) in writing and speaking.  God provided some amazing opportunities to confirm that dream: an intensive in the home of Sally Clarkson and invitations to speak at two retreats.

So I write.

God in His grace used a practical little tool to keep grandparents up on the grandkids' lives, to change mine. So today I'm interrupted by 600.  What might the Lord have in store over the next 600?  I can trust Him to show me and look forward to the ride!

Oh yeah, I said something about a giveaway, didn't I?

Purple Embossed Memories Leather Journal - Lined
Here it is: a little 5x7 journal with a quote on the front that fits well with this series:  We do not remember days, we remember moments.  Perhaps you could use it to record those moments when you are interrupted by grace ... long after this series has ended.  Now that I've started thinking this way, I don't think I'll suddenly stop looking for God's grace interruptions at the end of April.  Will you?

If you'd like to be entered for a chance to win this journal, please leave a comment by midnight EST tomorrow, April 15.  I'll announce the winner on Monday!

Would you like to have your name entered a couple of extra times?  Okay, here are some options:
  1. In your comment include a story about how you've been interrupted by grace recently.  (I really want to know!)
  2. Share about the series and giveaway on your Facebook page.
  3. If you've benefited from reading this blog or a specific post, share it with a friend who you think might be blessed by it too.
Honor system on all of these things, just let me know what you've done and I'll add your name in the appropriate number of times!

I can't wait to see who wins!!

*Blog + post = blost.  I like to invent words.


  1. I shared this page on my Facebook timeline. Thank you for faithfully sharing what the Lord is teaching you. It is truly always an encouragment to me. :)

    1. ME, please :) almost every day when i sit down, giving rachel lee her bedtime bottle, and read your blog i am reminded of God interrupting my life. i would love to say that i see Him interrupting my day more and more, but honestly i find myself just surviving most times and at others praying for patience and mercy! i love your blog series though and read it daily, even if i don't have the free hands or time to post a comment. hugs!!

    2. So far, Andrea and Sarah, your odds are quite good! :) Sarah, I'm gonna give you one extra entry for linking up with this series.

      I would say, Sarah, that if you're praying in the midst of your days, then God's interrupting you with grace. Any time the Spirit works in our hearts, we're being interrupted. So, forge on with courage and confidence, He lives IN YOU! Have a good day, friend.

  2. Replies
    1. Ryan. You're funny. Just want to make sure that you really want in on the little purple journal before I put your name in the dish tomorrow, though. Let me know. :)
