This morning crazy-mama did not pop in for a visit. That was nice! Before we got to school start time, we'd gotten through morning chores and gotten the kids' room cleaned up in preparation for our monthly fellowship time with church friends this afternoon. The kids even had some time to play together before nine. We were on the ball this morning, baby! (One must celebrate these rare occurrences, no?)
What struck me most about this little activity was the simplicity of helping the kids to think of each other as friends. I think they already do, but that may not always be the case. I was interrupted by grace as I realized that the Lord guides and directs us as we raise our kids. We don't need to over-complicate, buy a special program, or read a million books. We can think about character we want to instill in them, talk with them about these things, model them, and maybe do a fun little activity now and then to be more intentional.
My natural inclination is to seek out a formula - for everything! But life and relationships do not run on formulas, they run on time spent living and learning together. I'm thankful for the reminder to take a deep breath, relax, and live this life one day at a time, seeking the Lord for wisdom and asking the Spirit to guide my words and actions. That's all I really need. That's all any of us need.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6
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