Good day, friends! Since I missed last week, I thought I'd pop in today with one more tradition I've done for the last several years. On New Year's Eve or Day, we watch a simple slideshow of photos from the year to remind us of all we've done and been through together. Ideally, I should make these shows into photo albums, though I never get that organized.
All I do to produce this amazing show is go through our digital photos day by day and copy a handful from each month into a folder within the photo program. When I'm done, I can open the folder and we can watch a slideshow of the photos, because the program allows me to do that. My husband knows how to get it to play on the tv for us. I am technically unknowledgable - not challenged, because I probably could learn if if I needed to, but I don't because he does and always takes care of it. Good man!
Aaaaanyway, just wanted to share this fun and simple way to enjoy remembering your family's year together. If you have young children, it is also fun to see how much they've changed over one short year. For example, Katherine's hair January 2014 and December 2014:
I'm cooking up ideas for 2015 for Life in the Valley. I'll probably only have the resources and time to make 10% of them happen, but that's more than no percent, right?
Happy end of 2014 to you! I hope that if you get a chance to sift through your photos, the Lord reminds of you of how faithful He has been to you and fills your heart with thanksgiving.