January 11, 2014

Untitled, Because I Don't Know How To Title This One :)

Happy new year!

Writing, for me, is a funny thing.  When I take a break, I reach a point when I start to wonder if writing is something to which I should devote time.  I begin to believe there's little point in my "wordly" contributions, because so many are saying so much - and with greater eloquence than I.

But to obey, I must write, (and when I do, I really enjoy it).  My main struggles are prioritizing the various responsibilities in my life and fighting the perpetual desire to grab a snack and melt into the couch with my eyes glued to whatever Netflix has to offer me.  Also, when I ponder my "at home behavior," i.e. the real me, I can start to feel like such a fraud; Christian gals with blogs should have it more together and manifest more fruit of the Spirit than I do!

And so the evil one goes to work on us, doesn't he?  (For the record, I refuse to capitalize satan's name, even if it is grammatically incorrect; I can't give him the satisfaction.)  In all of our doubts and fears, there are grains of truth.  Yes.  But the great deceiver weasels his way in and distorts the truth, making us feel that we are beyond hope and our sin outside the reach of grace.  Furthermore, he works to undermine our very identity and calling, making us question who we are, whether anything we do matters, if we are lovable.


Isn't it good to be coming off of Christmas?!  God knew, from (even before) the deception and fall of Adam and Eve that He would have to do something, and He had a plan to rescue His people from that very evil one who prowls around looking for someone to devour.

One of my cousins sent out Christmas cards bordered festively in holly and evergreen sprigs with For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given printed in large font over most of the middle of the card.  I have appreciated having that reminder hanging on my wall as we have lived and moved about our kitchen over the last month.


God sent Jesus.  Jesus came.  Hope is here.

The evil one has no say in the life of God's children.  Are you letting him have a say in yours?  Where is he trying to beat you down?  Lift up your head and say to him, Excuse me, but 'unto us a child was born and unto us a son was given.'  That's Jesus, and He's the boss of me.  I am free from your tyranny, so be gone with you! 

Go on, say it out loud.  It'll feel great!

Well, I share all of this to say, "I'm back!"  Though it has also been lovely to take a break, I've missed sharing my heart with you and I'm looking forward to seeing where the Lord takes us in the coming year.


PS  Any suggestions for titles for this post?  I'll take 'em.


  1. I love that it rhymes... Jesus is "boss of me - I'm free of your tyranny."
    And yes this is right where i am right now!...
    Will LOVE that cup of coffee!... <3

    1. Ha! I didn't notice the rhyme. Fun! :) Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. That cup of coffee will be great!
