As a writer, I love words. When a word I have not heard much lately pops up more than one time over a short period, particularly in the few hours we gather with our people at Graystone Presbyterian Church on a Sunday morning, I sit at attention. That occurred this morning.
The 'word of the day' from my time at church this morning is deliverance.
Oh, the desperation of Israel to be delivered from slavery in Egypt.
Oh, our desperation to be delivered from slavery to sin.
Oh, the power of the Deliverer who comes to our rescue!
Sweet deliverance. Thank you, Lord!
Following Sunday school, we headed up to the worship service and in the middle of one of the songs this bridge pops up on the screen:
Healer, Healer; I'm restored by a healer,
Provider, Provider; I am filled by a provider.
Deliverer, Deliverer; I'm set free by a deliverer.
Savior, You're my Savior, I'm redeemed by a Savior.
Did that say Deliverer?
Yep! There it was again. Our Deliverer has set us free, we were reminded. Israel was set free from her earthly captor by Almighty God, foreshadowing the coming Messiah who would deliver all His people from their sin.
Have you considered your Deliverer today? Have you rejoiced in Your deliverance on this Lord's Day? Do you know the deliverance that comes from knowing Jesus as your own Deliverer? If you are searching for freedom, look no further than Christ.
Ask and it will be given to you;
seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.
Matthew 7:7
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