November 5, 2014

Running to the Refuge {Day 5}: Refuge of Love

This is day 5 of a daily series this month.  Links to previous posts can be found here.

From the last couple of posts, we know that God is our best, our eternal, and our salvation refuge.  Boy, He sure sounds good to me.  I want to know and rely on my Refuge even more than I have before.  Taste and see that the LORD is good, comes to mind.  He is so infinite and awesome, that there is more to explore!  Today I want to share with you that God is a refuge of love.

It is soul-satisfying to live under the truth that God is our salvation and that nothing can separate us from Him.  Another cozy blanket of security envelops us when we learn that God doesn't save us grudgingly, but rather because of His deep affection for His children.

The Psalmists speak often of God's unfailing love.  They knew their relationship to God the Father was deeper than a business contract.  God established a covenant of love with His people.  The love of Almighty God is indeed a refuge for His beloveds.

Psalm 36:7

Priceless is a good way to put it.  We settle so easily for half-loves or imitation-loves when we can be made complete by taking refuge in God's love.  In the refuge of the shadow of His wings, we encounter a love like no other that does not add to the demands of life or the insults of our enemies, human or spiritual.  No, beneath His holy shelter we find love that gives life, affirms, reassures, and strengthens our feeble, world-worn bodies and souls.  We can take refuge in the loving shadow of God's wings.

Here's how one Psalmist responds in praise:

But I will sing of your strength,
     in the morning I will sing of Your love,
for you are my fortress
     my refuge in times of trouble.

Psalm 59:16

Many of the Psalms are prayers of David about going into battle.  He finds strength in the love of his God who called him His own and put him on the throne of Israel.

Praise be to the Lord my Rock,
     who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.
He is my loving God and my fortress,
     my stronghold and deliverer,
my shield, in whom I take refuge,
     who subdues peoples under me.
  Psalm 144:1-2 

Most of us will not be suiting up for real war today.  But I can't help but see a parallel to our lives.  It is God, our loving God, who showed us what He was like through Jesus, saved us by His death, gives us life by His resurrection, and provided His written word for us to know Him, who strengthens our hands and fingers for a day's tasks.  He is our loving God, fortress, stronghold, deliverer, and shield in whom we also take refuge.  He can subdue our enemies, especially the devil, and He provides all we need to endure and thrive.  His motivation is love,

You Are Loved!

As a Christian, You belong to God as His beloved child.  Take refuge in that truth today, no matter how life tries to batter you or how the enemy tries to tempt and distract you.  Truth doesn't change because circumstances do.  Live as one who belongs to the King, not as a fatherless orphan.

Running orders!
  • This week I have come across I John 3:1 a couple of times already.  Are you familiar with this verse?  By what means does John say we have become children of God?  Pause for a minute to meditate on this truth and thank God for His lavish love.
  • Read Psalm 94:16-19.  Can you remember times that you have experienced God's love in this way?  Remembering our history with the Lord does much to strengthen our faith.  Meditate on His goodness and love for you throughout your life.  You are loved by the Refuge of Love!

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