April 1, 2015

Interrupted by Grace 2015: So It Begins

Today I begin the forth annual April Interrupted by Grace daily series!  Last Thursday I gave you an idea of what you can expect over the next thirty days.  To summarize that blost, here's the general idea:
 During the month of April, join me as I share stories of God interrupting me by grace during my generally common, uninteresting days.  When Katherine was an infant, I shared with a friend my surprise at how often God had interrupted me with grace in the chaotic and tiring early days of her life.  That got me to thinking that I probably was often missing ways the Spirit was whispering (or even shouting!) at me, and I miss it because I live so often on auto-pilot.  So in April, I'm going to be on the look out for God at work, interruptions in my mind and heart and day that point me to Him. 
He cares so deeply for us, friends.  Let's not miss the beauty and blessing of His presence!  Every day!!

***My desire is for this to be interactive, not between you and me, but between you and God!  You are invited to open up your eyes with me.  Perk up the ears of your soul and ask God to clear your vision to hear and see Him interrupting you by grace, too!***

I finished reading the book of John this morning, and here is how "the disciple that Jesus loved" wraps up his Gospel:
Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

Jesus is alive!  He is still at work!!  There are so many stories to tell of His movement in our lives and the lives of those around us.  This Interrupted by Graces series is an opportunity for us to take note, mental and/or written, of the many things He is doing in our lives in April, 2015.

Are you ready to get interrupted?!

What to expect from this series
  • I plan to write every day this month and will do my best to be brief, so being a reader is not burdensome.
  • I will write about the previous day's interrupted by grace moment, so I'm not up till midnight every day to make the series happen.  (I did that the first time around - not wise!)
  • The last week of the series, I will announce a giveaway of treats of some kind, because I think that is fun!

I think that's about it.  Now, how about YOU!
  • You can share in the comments ways God is interrupting by grace in your life.
  • If you blog, join in and write about this as many times as you wish this month.
  • Share your stories in other arenas: conversations, Facebook, etc.  We could even start the hashtag #interruptedbygrace.  Trendy!

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